Lync 2013 and Exchange Online UM – notes from the field

One of my recent posts was about Configuring Lync 2013 On-premises and Exchange Online to work together. After dealing with some feedback from customers and readers, I thought it might be worth to spend some time clarifying things: Edge Server You Edge Server must be configured as described in the post and enabled for federation. Confirm you have all the firewall rules in place between your Front-End and your Edge server, and your Edge server and the internet. Alternatively, you might want to restart your edge server or services just to be sure it’s all running… It’s all about the sequence There’s some logic in the order you’re committing the changes, especially if you’re migrating mailboxes from Exchange on-premises to Exchange Online. The steps are:

  1. Before you do anything, make sure the user is already in Office 365, synced using DirSync. If you’re migrating from Exchange On-Premises to Exchange Online, you’ll have to disable the existing UM option for these users. Don’t worry, all the data will still be there when you re-enable UM later.
  2. Run the Lync 2013 UM commands first. If the user is already synced or migration was completed, that’s the time to run the following: Grant-cshostedvoicemailpolicy –identity LocalDomain\<user> –policyname <PolicyName> and Set-csuser –identity LocalDomain\<user> –hostedvoicemail $true
  3. Let it sync. Although it should usually work immediately, go get a cup of coffee. Or something.
  4. Enable the user for UM in Exchange Online.

Just follow the steps… If you try to grant the on-prem policy to a user and you’re getting an error saying that the command cannot be found  – it means you probably missed or skipped one of the steps. The workaround is simple: Disable UM for that user in Office 365 and wait a while for the attributes to reset. then, run the Grant-cshostedvoicemailpolicy command and voilà- it’ll work.

Manually configure Outlook for Office 365 Exchange Online -Updated!-

As it appears, one of my most popular posts is “Manually configure Outlook for Office 365 Exchange Online” from August 2011. I wrote that when We were still suing the previous version of Office 365, and quite a lot has changed since.

This post will guide you on how to find the server settings for the latest Office 365 version, so you can manually configure Outlook to connect.

The host name for external access will always be

That was the easy part. To find the ‘internal’ server’s name, we can use Microsoft’s Remote Connectivity Analyzer:

On the Remote Connectivity Analyzer page, choose “Office 365” and “Outlook Autodiscover”:


Fill in your details on the next page and run the test.

On the test results page, start a search on the page and search for <Server>.

The first result will be a string saying something like <Server></Server>:


This is the address of your server. Copy and paste it, and that’s it:


Configure Office 365 UM for on premises Lync Server 2013 and Skype for Business Server 2015

As Office 365 is becoming more and more popular with larger organizations, many Lync \ S4B customers would like to host their voicemail in the cloud. This post will guide you through the steps required to configure Hosted UM on Office 365 for an on premises Lync deployment.

Considering you have a full Lync \ S4B 2013 enterprise voice solution already deployed in you organization, additional prerequisites for this would be:

  • A Lync 2013 Edge server.
  • A spare DDI number for Subscriber Access (Outlook Voice Access).
  • On premises users must be synced to Office 365 by either DirSync or Azure.
  • Office 365 Exchange Online licensing that allows UM.
  • administrative permissions on both the on premises Lync side ad the Office 365 management portal.

It took 7 days to create the world, and seven steps to configure voice mail:

1. Office 365 Admin Center

From the Admin drop-down menu, choose “Exchange”:


Under “Exchange” choose “Unified Messaging”:


In “UM Dial plans”, click the ‘+’ sign to add a new dial plan:

New UM Dial plan

In the new UM Dial Plan window:

  1. Give your dial plan a name.
  2. Configure the extension digit length as used in your organization (In my case: 4).
  3. In Dial plan type: Always choose SIP URI.
  4. Choose your Audio Language.
  5. Enter your country code (No ‘+’, just the code),


Click “Save”, the window will close.

You now have a new Dial plan, click “Configure” to continue:


This will open a new window. View your settings in the “General” page. These are not changeable, so if you made a mistake, now would be a good time to start things over.


If it’s ok – continue to “dial codes” and enter your country\region code. In my case: 353.


Continue to Outlook Voice Access.
Keep the default greeting and announcement unless you have a pre-recorded file, and go to “E.164 routing numbers for your SIP server”. This is where you enter your Subscriber Access number in an E.164 format. In my case: “+35315556789”.
On the next box, “Outlook Voice Access numbers”, enter the number you entered for the previous box, and the regular display number (e.g. 015556789). Reason is that Outlook voice Access will only correspond to matching numbers, and you would like to have this configured as well:


Next, go to “Settings” and configure as desired:


Continue to Dialing rules: You can leave this as it is, or add a rule to allow Outlook to play on phone:
Click the ‘+’ sign to add a new dialing rule:

Dialing rules Add

In the new Dialing rule window:

  1. Name your rule.
  2. Add ‘*’ in “Number pattern” and “Dialed Number”:

New Dialing Rule

Click “OK” to save and go to “Dialing Authorization”. Click the ‘+’ button to add:

dialing auth new

And choose the previously created rule:

select dialing rule gruops

In “Transfer and Search”, I normally change the “Allow callers to search…” to “In the entire organization”:


Click “Save”, and this part of the configuration is done!

2. On premises Lync Server

We’ll be using mostly PowerShell (Lync Management Shell) to configure this. Not a big deal, just make sure you double-check everything for typos…

Start with finding out your current configuration. From an elevated Lync Management Shell, run the following command:
You’re looking for the following parameters:

  1. AllowFederatedUsers (Should be set to True).
  2. EnablePartnerDiscovery (Should be set to True).
  3. RoutingMethod (Should be set to UseDnsSrvRouting)

Should look like this:


If one of the parameters is missing, run the following command:
Set-CsAccessEdgeConfiguration -AllowFederatedUsers $true -EnablePartnerDiscovery $true -UseDnsSrvRouting

Now, add Office 365 Exchange Online as a new hosting provider:
New-CsHostingProvider -Identity “Exchange Online” -Enabled $True -EnabledSharedAddressSpace $True -HostsOCSUsers $False -ProxyFqdn “” -IsLocal $False -VerificationLevel UseSourceVerification

This has configured your Edge server to be able to communicate with Office 365.
Verify that it’s replicated to the Edge server by running:
Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus (If replicated to all, should be “UpToDate: True” on all servers),
and last, check that it’s configured and displayed correctly by running:
Get-CsHostingProvider -LocalStore, this should be the result:


3. Office 365 Management Shell

To continue configuring Lync on premises, we need some details about the Office 365 domains and tenants.
To do so, open a new elevated PowerShell window and connect to Office 365 using the following steps:

Run: $cred = Get-Credential and press Enter.
This will pop up a credential prompt, enter your Office 365 administrator credentials and press Ok:


Next, run the following command:
$365 = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $cred -Authentication Basic –AllowRedirection
This will connect you to Office 365. You might receive a warning saying “WARNING: Your connection has been redirected to the following URI: “, This is normal.

Last, run:
$importresults = Import-PSSession $365

You should end up with an output similar to this:


Now that you’re connected to Office 365, run: Get-Mailbox, to see you recognize what’s going on, and then run: Get-AcceptedDomain. Now let’s pause here for a second:

Take a good look at your domain list. What we’re looking for is the original “” domain. This is the one we’re going to use to communicate with Office 365.
Find that domain and mark it:


Whatever your domain is (for example:, this is what we’ll use in the following steps:

4. Back to Lync Management Shell

Now that we know our “OnMicrosoft” domain, we can configure Lync to communicate with it:

First, we’ll create a new Hosted Voicemail Policy. From Lync Management Sell, run the following:
New-CsHostedVoicemailPolicy -identity Office365UM -Destination -Description “Office 365 Voicemail” -Organization “”

Make sure you replaced “YOURDOMAIN” with your domain!

Next step: create a Lync-Exchange contact:
New-csexumcontact -displaynumber <E.164Number>–sipaddress <> -registrarpool <LyncFE> -ou “<YourDesiredOU>"
So for example, these are my details:

  1. Display Number: +35315556789 (This is the Subscriber Access Number we used on Exchange Online earlier)
  2. Contact’s SIP address:
  3. Lync registrar: LyncFE01.y0av.local
  4. OU: Lync Devices

My command would look like this:
New-csexumcontact -displaynumber +35315556789 –sipaddress -registrarpool LyncFE01.y0av.local -ou “OU=Lync Devices,DC=y0av,DC=local"

Once running this command, you’ll get an output with the contact’s details. Note the contact’s GUID:


This is also found in Active Directory where you created it:
I usually add a description to this contact, as Sys Admins sometimes delete strings they’re not familiar with…


Copy the contact’s identity from PowerShell and use it in the following command to grant the policy you created earlier to the user you just created:
Grant-cshostedvoicemailpolicy –identity “CN={92011efc-5608-4c7e-88ed-d79e035c39e6},OU=Lync Devices,DC=y0av,DC=local” –policyname Office365UM

So now we have a UM Policy, and a UM Contact that’s configured with that policy. You can run Get-CsExUmContact to check that:


5. Back to Office 365 Management Shell…

Last thing we need to do before it works, is connect the on premises and the cloud voice policies.
So from the previously used Office 365 Management Shell window, run the following:
Set-UMmailboxpolicy -identity “CloudUMPolicy” -SourceForestPolicyNames “OnPremUMPolicy”
In this scenario we used the same name for both policies – that’ll work too:
Set-UMmailboxpolicy -identity “Office365UM” -SourceForestPolicyNames “Office365UM”
But if you have a different name for each policy – configure that as desired.

6. Back to Lync Management Shell – last time!

The only thing left to do now is grant Lync users with the new hosted voicemail policy and enable them for hosted UM.
You can use any pipe known to humanity to do this, but here’s the basics:

To grant the policy to a user, run:
Grant-cshostedvoicemailpolicy –identity LocalDomain\y0av –policyname Office365UM

To enable the user for Hosted Voicemail, run:
Set-csuser –identity LocalDomain\y0av –hostedvoicemail $true

7. Enable the user for UM

Log on to the Office 365 admin center and enable the user for Unified messaging:


Assign the UM policy you created earlier:


Verify the details on the next screen and that’s it. You’ve voice mail configured.


If you’re having issues enabling users, you might want to check the “Notes from the field” post I published after getting some feedback on this post.

Lync 2013 and Exchnage Online Hosted Voicemail setting resets after running DirSync

Got a colleague ringing me the other day with a strange issue:

He has Lync 2013 on premises with their voicemail hosted on Office 365 Exchange online, all configured and working wonderful.

However, for some users, the “HostedVoiceMail” attribute changes from “$true” to null. If he runs the “Set-csuser –identity Domain\Username –HostedVoiceMail $true” command again it will set it, but that will disappear as soon as DirSync runs again.

Did some investigation, and apparently – If it’s a shared mailbox, DirSync will switch it back from “$true” to “null”.

There is a workaround to fix this!

Go to your DirSync server, and at the following path: “%Program Files%\Microsoft Online Directory Sync\SYNCBUS\Synchronization Service\UIShell”, or ““%Program Files%\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync\SYNCBUS\Synchronization Service\UIShell” if you’re using Azure, you will find “miisclient.exe”:

miisclient.exe location

Open “miisclient.exe” and click the “Management Agents” tab:

Management Agents tab

Right-click “Source AD” and choose “Properties”:

SourceAD Properties

In the new window, choose “Configure Attribute Flow”, and expand “Object Type: user”:

Object Type: User Expanded2

Under “Object Type: user” click “msExchUCVoiceMailSettings” once. At the Build Attribute Flow window below, uncheck the “Allow Nulls” box:

Allow Nulls

Click OK, and close the MIIS client.

Re-enable the user for hosted voicemail, then resync. The user’s HostedVoiceMail setting will remain unchanged.

BPOS AD Sync error

When you try to sync AD to MSOL with Active Directory Syncronization Tool, you get the following errors in Event Viewer:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Directory Synchronization
Event Category: None
Event ID: 0
Date: 15/12/2010
Time: 17:40:41
User: N/A
Computer: SRV-01
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Directory Synchronization
Event Category: None
Event ID: 0
Date: 15/12/2010
Time: 17:40:41
User: N/A
Computer: SRV-01
Set-CoexistenceConfiguration was unable to modify the source properties. See the event logs for more detailed information.

Additionaly, you see the following error in the Dirrectory Syncronization Tool:

Considering you installed everything right and your user is a member of the Enterprise Admins group (And the Local MIIS Admins group), Make sure your user is in the default “Users” container in AD. Otherwise it won’t work…